Passionate about SAS Code and Python, we stay up-to-date with the latest developments through SAS training, SAS Support, SUGI, SAS Global Forum, SASENSEI, the SAS Belux User Group, and SAS Communities.
This page contains interesting papers we have collected from the web, which are used for our coaching preparations and specific consultancy activities. Download them for free and read them wherever you like!
This paper is a bible of cheat sheet in Python! It collect 12 different cheat sheet together in one single document: introduction, lists, dictionaries, if statements and while loops, functions, classes, files and exceptions, test your code, pygame, matplotlib, pygal and django.
This paper is a Python course developed in 2009 at the University of Durham explaining tons of things on Python programming langage.
This Python3 cheat sheet is a 2 pages syntax summary on python, perfect to print and put on your wall, a nice work created by Laurent Pointal
This paper is a Python 70 pages booked developed by Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid. The topics which are discussed in this book open up your mind towards some nice corners of Python language.
If you are beginner, intermediate or advanced matplotlib user, you will like this 5 pages cheatsheet based only on matplotlib
This pdf is an O Reilly e-book published via LinkedIn and contains everything you have to know to start with web scraping with python: use of BeautifullSoup library, crawling acros entire website, using API, storing data, cleaning data and lot of other useful tips linked to that domain.
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