BeOptimized - Community

The community

BeOptimized is owned by Christophe Kabacinski, a freelance SAS expert based in Brussels. As freelancers, we are involved in many projects, regularly change employers, and meet a lot of people. We don't have a fixed position in a company—when a project is completed, we MUST find a new mission! The big advantage is that after years of SAS consultancy, you get to know many companies and many people: SAS is a small world—everyone knows everyone; we are like a community.

If you’ve been in a mission for 2–3 years and return to the job market, it can be difficult to find a new mission because things change, and companies continuously evolve. Our BeOptimized community can help you find a new mission: we are always monitoring the market, and thanks to our 15 years of consulting experience, we are in contact with many people.
Just contact us, and we’ll discuss!

Do you want better market insights and a clearer understanding of which companies use SAS in Belgium today? Do you want to know the list of ongoing projects? It’s easy—visit the page: jobs in Brussels for an example. Want to know more?


Becoming SAS Freelance

You are working in a company since many years and your are specialized in SAS. Or you are a student certified in SAS (SAS advanced) with some experience.
You want to become a SAS Freelance expert? It's not that easy to jump in the market like this... you have to take into account lot of parameters such as:
    • What are the daily rates? What will be my costs? Is it profitable at then end ?
    • How many hours per week do you have to spend for your administration? Can you work only 40 hours/week? Can you take holidays?
    • Which companies are using SAS? What has to be done to work for them ?
    • There are plenty of intermediaries on the market, which one is best for me ? Are they mandatory ?
    • I was accepted in a new mission but I'm not really confident in my job because I don't have lot of experience... Where could I find usefull information? Starter codes / examples? Could I count on someone to get help when needed ?
    • BeOptimized is organizing Tips and Tricks session . Could I access them at reduced price to increase my knowledge ?
    • Could BeOptimized coach me to become a SAS certify expert ?
BeOptimized has answer to these questions and could help you in all the steps of your project. From the creation of the financial plan, passing by the selection of an accountant, to the interview with your futur employer; BeOptimized will always be with you in your project. Please don't hesitate to contact us to have more informations.

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