BeGees - Kubernetes


Begees is an internal BeOptimized project focused on the understanding of the energy consumption and production at BeOptimized.
Initiated in 2023, this project uses several open-source packages and covered various aspects of the data lifecycle: the data capture, data quality, data transfert, data storage and data presentation. In 2024 a major update has been applied: the convertion of the docker-compose into Kubernetes orchestration. Please find below the main topics of this new release. In the picture below, only the Kubernetes part is mentionned, the other components remain unchanged :

    • The entire application was moved from a Synology NAS/Docker-compose environment to Docker Desktop/Kubernetes on Windows 11.
    • The container of the applications have been put in PODS and the Frontend and Backend set to 3 replicas to increase availability.
    • Prometheus and Grafana are used to monitor the Kubernetes cluster
    • Configuration parameters are saved in a config-map
    • Ingress controller is used for the routing rules and the host name is now (on local network only)
    • Database files saved on a Permanent Volume
    • Environment: Python, Docker, Kubernetes, Docker Desktop

BeGees: Control your energies !


This project will continue to evolve in the futur, we could indeed analyse the time series to detect unusual patterns, analyse devices signatures, make some trends, analyse electric car consumption, generate SMS when there is a gaz leakage or a consumption peak or even when the electritity is down ...
On the Raspberry, we could also replace the SQlite/Airflow by a Docker image in order to package the solution and install it more easily. We could also put the existing containers into the Cloud ...

We could go even further... imagine you are a manufacturing industry with lot of machines to monitor ... we could work together in order to analyse in real time everything you want !. Feel free to contact us, it will be a pleasure to help you.

Step by step

By Christophe Kabacinski Duration 4.30 mn

In this video the high level of the architecture changes are presented

By Christophe Kabacinski Duration 3.30 mn

In this video the major changes on the UI are presented: new dashboard for battery, heat-pump and electric car recharge monitoring

By Christophe Kabacinski Duration 6 mn

In this demo, some manifests are presented and a deployment is adapted and applied to scale up a pod from 1 to 5.

By Christophe Kabacinski Duration 3 mn

In this short demo, I list all the pods, access logs and jump into one of the container.

By Christophe Kabacinski Duration 5 mn

In this demo I make a code modification in the app and then recreate and push the new image to the Docker registry. This image will then be used by Kubernetes

By Christophe Kabacinski Duration 9 mn

In this demo I'm showing how I collect the Kubernetes metric via Kubectl top command. I show also the couple of screens on Kubernetes Dashboards, Prometheus & Grafana

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