Passionate about SAS Code and Python, we stay up-to-date with the latest developments through SAS training, SAS Support, SUGI, SAS Global Forum, SASENSEI, the SAS Belux User Group, and SAS Communities.
This page contains interesting papers we have collected from the web, which are used for our coaching preparations and specific consultancy activities. Download them for free and read them wherever you like!
This paper explains what is the SAS Program Data Vector and how to optimize it
In this paper advanced features of the PDV are explored explained
This paper illustrates how the PDV works behind the scenes
Formatted input, list input, column input(etc) is it chineese for you? This paper talk about the different kind of input method available in the SAS datastep.
This tutorial describes how PICTURE Formats work,how to write them in PROC FORMAT statements and how to apply them in both Data and Procedure Steps.
One of the most flexible features of the SAS system, is its ability to read and write just about any kind of raw file. The INFILE and FILE statements are the interfaces that connect SAS programs to those external file.
This document is the official syntax summary of the courses SAS Programming 1 & 2 required for the Base SAS Certification
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