BeOptimized Library


Passionate about SAS Code and Python, we stay up-to-date with the latest developments through SAS training, SAS Support, SUGI, SAS Global Forum, SASENSEI, the SAS Belux User Group, and SAS Communities.

This page contains interesting papers we have collected from the web, which are used for our coaching preparations and specific consultancy activities. Download them for free and read them wherever you like!

Publication list

SAS Log Summarizer: Finding What is Most Important in the SAS Log

Log Summarizer is a tool designed to reduce the burden of the review of your SAS log. It can be used to extract the most important information (ERRORs, WARNINGs, and specific NOTEs), while preserving section indicators, statement sequence, original line numbers and message text.

The Automatic Detection of Problems in the SAS Log

This paper illustrates the main differences between WARNING, NOTES and ERRORS in the SAS Log

Intelligent SAS Log Manager

The Log Manager package is a lightweight addition to any SAS program eliminating the need for macro error and symbol resolution trace with no loss of SAS log content.

A Utility Program for Checking SAS Log Files

Validating a SAS program can be a tedious task, especially when you have to check hundreds and possibly thousands of lines of code in a SAS log file. CHECKLOG is a utility program that is designed to assist you in this task of checking SAS log files.


Errors? "I never get errors!" Warnings? "I never bother to read them, my program still runs." Notes? "Who needs them?" This paper, is based on the belief that debugging your programs is not only necessary, but also a good way to gain insight into how SAS works.

SASMacro Symbols of Frustration Let us help

Are you just learning to write MACROS? Are you baffled by when to use single quotes and double quotes - or one inside the other? Are you confused by when to use statements such as DO versus %DO? Want to know the difference between a GLOBAL and LOCAL Macro variable? Read this article !

A Macro Utility for Generating Formatted Log Comments

This paper discusses a macro which formats comments which are written to the SAS log. The comment is bordered with asterisks and the user can control indentation, justification and line breaks.

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